The role of stiffness-matching in avoiding stress shielding-induced bone loss and stress concentration-induced skeletal reconstruction device failure


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It is well documented that overly stiff skeletal replacement and fixation devices may fail and require revision surgery. Recent attempts to better support healing and sustain healed bone have looked at stiffness -matching of these devices to the desired role of limiting the stress on fractured or engrafted bone to compressive loads and, after the reconstructed bone has healed, to ensure that reconstructive medical devices (implants) interrupt the normal loading pattern as little as possible. The mechanical performance of these devices can be optimized by adjusting their location, integration/fastening, material(s), geometry (external and internal), and surface properties. This review highlights recent research that focuses on the optimal design of skeletal reconstruction devices to perform during and after healing as the mechanical regime changes. Previous studies have considered auxetic materials, homogeneous or gradient (i.e., adaptive) porosity, surface modification to enhance device/bone integration, and choosing the device's at-tachment location to ensure good osseointegration and resilient load transduction. By combining some or all of these factors, device designers work hard to avoid problems brought about by unsustainable stress shielding or stress concentrations as a means of creating sustainable stressstrain relationships that best repair and sustain a surgically reconstructed skeletal site.
Bone,Skeletal fixation,Bone replacement,Stiffness-matching
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