Apply Immersive Virtual Reality Practice to Improve the Spatial Reasoning Learning Capability

Sheng-Ming Wang, Chun-Chieh Chen

2023 IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE)(2023)

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Spatial reasoning is the ability to process and understand spatial information and is important in many fields, including science, art, engineering, architecture, games, etc. This ability can be improved through learning and practice and plays an important role in problem-solving and spatial thinking. The main purpose of this research is to investigate whether there could be a significant improvement in spatial reasoning learning through manipulation exercises in immersive Virtual Reality (VR) environments. We divided our experiment into three phases. The first part was a traditional paper test. Then, followed by a VR environment for immersive drawing practice, and took an immersion level questionnaire (ITQ) after completion. Finally, we returned to the traditional paper test to compare and evaluate the learning progress. During the experiment, the GSR sensor (Galvanic Skin Response) was worn throughout the experiment to collect the participants’ skin electrical responses to correlate with the emotional status of the participants with different educational backgrounds during the experiment. The pilot results of this research show the immersive VR practice can improve spatial learning capability. But there is no significant difference of the participants with different educational backgrounds in the improvement.
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Spatial Reasoning,Immersive Virtual Reality,Learning Improvement,Galvanic Skin Response,Emotional Status
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