Determination of the Nasal Dilators Effectiveness From Posterior Active Rhinomanometry Data During Forced Breathing

2023 IEEE 4th KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek)(2023)

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The methodology for determining the effectiveness of nasal dilators consisted of a functional study of nasal breathing - posterior active rhinomanometry with forced breathing - with the maximum possible intensity. The testing was carried out first with the use of boosters, and then (for comparison) without their use. At the same time, the measurement of pressure differences between the nasopharynx and the submask space, as well as air flow during breathing through both halves of the nose, was carried out according to the scheme of conducting posterior active rhinomanometry. Studies were conducted in the inhalation cycle. Next, the coefficient of aerodynamic nasal resistance was determined, which was calculated as the average ratio of the maximum values of the pressure drop in the respiratory cycles to the corresponding air flow. Thus, the developed rhinomanometry technique makes it possible to evaluate the effect of nasal dilators (boosters) on the aerodynamics of the nose during forced breathing during physical exercises.
aerodynamic resistance,human health,respiratory diagnostic,rhinomanometry,nasal breathing
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