Accuracy Analysis and Verification Method on Vision Position-pose Measurement System

Jie Bao, Chenglong Zhang, Xinpeng Wei,Xingtan Liu,Chunhui Zhao

2023 IEEE 8th Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC)(2023)

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In order to realize position-pose measurement system of monocular camera, a measurement accuracy test system was established. First, we introduce the system principle, theoretical accuracy analysis, computational experiments and computational results. In order to solve the problem of obtaining the true value of high precision pose measurement and the poor accuracy evaluation results caused by accuracy of the simulated motion platform, we proposed single laser tracker with higher accuracy as the method to verify the system accuracy. By establishing the relevant coordinate system and coordinate system conversion, the absolute accuracy of the camera position-pose measurement can be accurately obtained. The result of the 16m measurement accuracy verification experiment shows that, the position measurement accuracy x and y can reach the sub millimeter level. Due to the weak distance perception of monocular camera, the orientation error of z-axis is large, on the order of tens of millimeters. The minimum accuracy of the angle measurement result is 0.2°. Using a single laser tracker for relative measurement to evaluate the accuracy of the measurement system can effectively evaluate the measurement accuracy of the high-precision relative position and attitude measurement system under the limited laboratory conditions.
visual position-pose measurement,measurement accuracy,Laser tracker,accuracy verification
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