The Design of a Metasurface Element with Independent Control of Reflective Amplitude and Phase

Yonghan Liu,He Li, Shiyu Wang,Yunbo Li

2023 16th UK-Europe-China Workshop on Millimetre Waves and Terahertz Technologies (UCMMT)(2023)

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A design method of electromagnetic (EM) metasurface element which can realize independent control of the reflection amplitude and phase is presented in our work. The unit cell mainly consists of three cascaded parts, including the antenna, the reconfigurable phase shifter with varactors and the reconfigurable attenuator with PIN diodes. Accordingly, the reflection phase and amplitude can be changed by tuning the voltage loaded on the varactors and PIN diodes respectively. Furthermore, a prototype of the proposed metasurface element is fabricated. The EM performances of continuous and independent controlling the reflective phase and amplitude are observed. The measured results show that the reflection phase can cover 360 degrees variation, and the adjustable range of reflection amplitude can reach 10dB within the frequency range of 4.28 ~ 4.31 GHz.
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