Reinforcement Learning Approach to Sedation and Delirium Management in the Intensive Care Unit


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Common treatments in Intensive Care Units frequently involve prolonged sedation. Maintaining adequate sedation levels is challenging and prone to errors including: incorrect dosing, omission/delay in administration and, selecting a sub-optimal combination of sedatives. In this single-center retrospective study of 1,346 patients, we use a Deep Q Network approach to develop a multi-objective sedation management agent. The agent's objective was to achieve an adequate level of patient sedation without moving the patient's Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) outside of a therapeutic range. To achieve this objective, the agent was allowed to periodically (every 4 hours) recommend how the dose of two commonly used sedatives (propofol, midazolam) and an opioid (fentanyl) should be adjusted: increased, decreased, or stay the same. To inform it's recommendations, the agent was provided with the patient's demographym and periodic measures including: vital signs, and depth of sedation. To mitigate the potential risk of delirium and the adverse effects of over sedation, a delirium control variable was integrated into the agent's reward function. We found that Physicians with dosing policies that agreed with our agent were 29% more likely to maintain the patient's sedation in a therapeutic range, compared to those that disagreed with our agent's policy. Clinical relevance- This study utilizes reinforcement learning to develop a sedation management agent, improving the ability to maintain target sedation levels by 29% compared to clinicians' policy, while considering optimal dosage regimens and delirium control in the ICU.
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