Role of MRPs transporters in pharmacokinetics and intestinal toxicity of irinotecan.

Ting Du, Tao Luo, Junwen Wang,Rongjin Sun, Hua Cai

Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association(2023)

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To identify additional genetic markers contributing to variability in CPT-11 disposition and toxicity, we assessed impact of the multiple drug-resistant transporters 1, 2, and 3 (MRP1, MRP2, and MRP3) on the intestinal toxicity, pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution and biliary excretion of CPT-11 using a knockout mouse model. Mrp1/3 knockout had minor impact on intestinal toxicity of CPT-11, tissue distribution, biliary excretion, and PK parameter of its active metabolites SN38. Conversely, Mrp2-/- mice, with low carboxylesterase activity, displayed insensitivity to CPT-11 toxicity due to reduced intestinal exposure to SN38. In PK studies, Mrp1/2 knockout significantly increased the AUC of CPT-11 compared to their AUC in FVB mice. However, the AUC of SN38 in Mrp2 -/- mice was decreased by 3.25-fold. Mrp3 knockout only slightly increased SN38 plasma exposure. Lastly, Mrp2/3 knockout increased biliary excretion amount of CPT-11 by 67.2% and 48.5% compared to wild-type mice, respectively. Consequently, Mrp1/3 deficiency didn't change SN38 tissue distribution. Finally, correlation analysis demonstrated that tissue exposure to SN38 was better correlated with toxicity than plasma AUC of SN38. Mrp1/2/3 deficiency showed a minor impact on PK, biliary excretion, distribution and intestinal exposure of SN38, and as a result, did not affect the intestinal toxicity of CPT-11.
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