Two-dimensional non-Hermitian skin effect in an ultracold Fermi gas

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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The concept of non-Hermiticity has expanded the understanding of band topology leading to the emergence of counter-intuitive phenomena. One example is the non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE), which involves the concentration of eigenstates at the boundary. However, despite the potential insights that can be gained from high-dimensional non-Hermitian quantum systems in areas like curved space, high-order topological phases, and black holes, the realization of this effect in high dimensions remains unexplored. Here, we create a two-dimensional (2D) non-Hermitian topological band for ultracold fermions in spin-orbit-coupled optical lattices with tunable dissipation, and experimentally examine the spectral topology in the complex eigenenergy plane. We experimentally demonstrate pronounced nonzero spectral winding numbers when the dissipation is added to the system, which establishes the existence of 2D skin effect. We also demonstrate that a pair of exceptional points (EPs) are created in the momentum space, connected by an open-ended bulk Fermi arc, in contrast to closed loops found in Hermitian systems. The associated EPs emerge and shift with increasing dissipation, leading to the formation of the Fermi arc. Our work sets the stage for further investigation into simulating non-Hermitian physics in high dimensions and paves the way for understanding the interplay of quantum statistics with NHSE.
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