
ML-DSTnet: A Novel Hybrid Model for Breast Cancer Diagnosis Improvement Based on Image Processing Using Machine Learning and Dempster–Shafer Theory

Mohsen Eftekharian,Ali Nodehi,Rasul Enayatifar

Computational intelligence and neuroscience(2023)

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Medical intelligence detection systems have changed with the help of artificial intelligence and have also faced challenges. Breast cancer diagnosis and classification are part of this medical intelligence system. Early detection can lead to an increase in treatment options. On the other hand, uncertainty is a case that has always been with the decision-maker. The system's parameters cannot be accurately estimated, and the wrong decision is made. To solve this problem, we have proposed a method in this article that reduces the ignorance of the problem with the help of Dempster-Shafer theory so that we can make a better decision. This research on the MIAS dataset, based on image processing machine learning and Dempster-Shafer mathematical theory, tries to improve the diagnosis and classification of benign, malignant masses. We first determine the results of the diagnosis of mass type with MLP by using the texture feature and CNN. We combine the results of the two classifications with Dempster-Shafer theory and improve its accuracy. The obtained results show that the proposed approach has better performance than others based on evaluation criteria such as accuracy of 99.10%, sensitivity of 98.4%, and specificity of 100%.
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