Band flipping and bandgap closing in a photonic crystal ring and its applications.

Optics express(2024)

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The size of the bandgap in a photonic crystal ring is typically intuitively considered to monotonically grow as the modulation amplitude of the grating increases, causing increasingly large frequency splittings between the "dielectric" and "air" bands. In contrast, here we report that as the modulation amplitude in a photonic crystal ring increases, the bandgap does not simply increase monotonically. Instead, after the initial increase, the bandgap closes and then reopens again with the two bands flipped in energy. The air and dielectric band edges are degenerate at the bandgap closing point. We demonstrate this behavior experimentally in silicon nitride photonic crystal microrings, where we show that the bandgap is closed to within the linewidth of the optical cavity mode, whose intrinsic quality factor remains unperturbed with a value ≈ 1×106. Moreover, through finite-element simulations, we show that such bandgap closing and band flipping phenomena exist in a variety of photonic crystal rings with varying unit cell geometries and cladding layers. At the bandgap closing point, the two standing wave modes with a degenerate frequency are particularly promising for single-frequency lasing applications. Along this line, we propose a compact self-injection locking scheme that integrates many core functionalities in one photonic crystal ring. Additionally, the single-frequency lasing might be applicable to distributed-feedback (DFB) lasers to increase their manufacturing yield.
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