Motion Detection Methods for Automatic Number Plate Recognition

Kristian Micko, Maria Kocurekova, Anna Maciakova,Iveta Zolotova

2023 World Symposium on Digital Intelligence for Systems and Machines (DISA)(2023)

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Many architectures of the automatic license plate recognition method are constrained by character recognition speed. The recognition speed constraints are due to the use of many phases in the automatic license plate recognition process. These phases are implemented in a single process in many architectures. This study analyses to select effective methods used for automatic license plate recognition phases. There are many commercial applications confirming the mentioned constraints. To reduce the speed process of character recognition, this scientific paper proposed using service-oriented architecture for each step of the automatic license plate recognition process. Each step is a standalone service where is selected the most effective methods based on State-of-the-Art.
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Computer Vision,OCR,ALPR,Service-oriented architecture
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