CaRV - Accelerating Program Optimization through Capture, Replay, Validate.

SC-W '23: Proceedings of the SC '23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis(2023)

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This paper presents a new methodology and tool that speeds up the process of optimizing science and engineering programs. The tool, called CaRV (Capture, Replay, and Validate), enables users to experiment quickly with large applications, comparing individual program sections before and after optimizations in terms of efficiency and accuracy. Using language-level checkpointing techniques, CaRV captures the necessary data for replaying the experimental section as a separate execution unit after the code optimization and validating the optimization against the original program. The tool reduces the amount of time and resources spent on experimentation with long-running programs by up to two orders of magnitude, making program optimization more efficient and cost-effective.
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