Opioid use disorder amongst young people living with HIV: A 10-year trend

Psychiatry Research Communications(2023)

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•The study focused on examining the prevalence of OUD among young people living with HIV (YPLWH). The results indicated that 2% of the surveyed HIV-positive individuals aged 13 to 24 had comorbid OUD.•The study identified several factors associated with a higher risk of OUD among YPLWH. Having HIV and a mental health diagnosis (MHD) were found to be associated with an increased risk of OUD. Additionally, individuals with the highest income level were found to be 42% less likely to have OUD.•The study found that the southern and western states had lower likelihoods of OUD among among the YPLWH, suggesting potential regional differences in opioid availability or cultural factors related to opioid use in the United States.•The findings of the study emphasized the role of socioeconomic factors with interventions targeting poverty and increasing access to mental health services could help reduce the risk of OUD among YPLWH.•The paper highlighted the need for interventions and support for young people with comorbid HIV and OUD, particularly those with low income and mental health issues. Understanding the regional differences in drug use could inform targeted prevention and intervention efforts.
Opioid use disorder,Human immunodeficiency virus,Adolescents,Young adults,Mental health
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