A Consensus-Based Alternating Direction Method for Mixed-Integer and PDE-Constrained Gas Transport Problems


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We consider dynamic gas transport optimization problems, which lead to largescale and nonconvex mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems (MINLPs) on graphs. Usually, the resulting instances are too challenging to be solved by state-of-the-art MINLP solvers. In this paper, we use graph decompositions to obtain multiple optimization problems on smaller blocks, which can be solved in parallel and may result in simpler classes of optimization problems because not every block necessarily contains mixed-integer or nonlinear aspects. For achieving feasibility at the interfaces of the several blocks, we employ a tailored consensus-based penalty alternating direction method. Our numerical results show that such decomposition techniques can outperform the baseline approach of just solving the overall MINLP from scratch. However, a complete answer to the question of how to decompose MINLPs on graphs in dependence of the given model is still an open topic for future research.
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gas transport networks,mixed-integer nonlinear optimization,alternating-direction methods,graph decomposition,penalty methods
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