Research on the Application of Heterogeneous Cellular Automata in the Safety Control and Detection System of Construction Project Implementation Phase


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In construction engineering safety management, the problem of construction workers' unsafe behavior (CWUB) has always been a focus for researchers as well as practice managers. Currently, most studies focus on the influencing factors and mechanisms of (CWUB), with less attention given to the dissemination process and control effects of CWUB. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate a safety control detection system for the transmission process. The heterogeneous cellular automaton (CA) has advantages in constructing such a system as it can reflect the interactive processes of construction workers from micro to macro, local to global, and consider the heterogeneity of individuals and space, satisfying unequal interaction probabilities between individuals and spatial variations in characteristics. The SEIR model accurately categorizes construction workers and visually represents the changing quantities of different state groups at each stage. It effectively describes the process of CWUB transmission among construction workers. Based on the aforementioned foundation, a safety control and monitoring system was proposed for the implementation stages of the project. Finally, the control detection system is simulated to assess its effectiveness. Simulation results closely align with reality, showing a continuous decrease in susceptible individuals, a peak followed by a rapid decline in latent and infected individuals, and a steady increase in immune individuals. To control CWUB transmission, it is crucial to enhance immunity against unsafe behaviors, reduce the rate of immunity conversion, and shorten the disease cycle caused by such behaviors. This research has practical implications for construction projects.
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Key words
construction workers, unsafe behavior, cellular automata, SEIR model, safety control, detection system
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