Modulators reducing the efficiency of oxidative ATP synthesis in mitochondria: protonophore uncouplers, cyclic redox agents, and decouplers


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This work considers the main indicators of the oxidative phosphorylation efficiency in mitochondria: the ADP/O and H + /O ratios. Three groups of modulators that reduce the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation are compared: protonophore uncouplers, cyclic redox compounds, and decouplers. It is noted that some of them are considered effective therapeutic agents. The paper analyzes the authors’ original data on the mechanism of action of natural decouplers, represented by long-chain α,ω-dioic acids, as antioxidants. In conclusion, we discuss the hypothesis of their participation in the rescue of hepatocytes in various disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
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Mitochondria, Protonophore uncouplers, Cyclic redox agents, Decouplers, alpha,omega-Dioic acids, Oxidative stress
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