Does the multi-proxy Eemian re cord from the S3up site (cen tral Po land) in di cate a more hu mid cli mate at the be gin ning of the horn beam phase?


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A new site of Eemian organogenic de pos its in Slup (cen tral Po land) has re vealed an in ter mit tent re cord of sev eral phases within this inter gla cial. Pol len based stud ies of the core Sl-19, drilled at the lit to ral zone of the palaeolake, in di cated the absence of the E2, E3, E6 and an in com plete re cord of the E4 and E5 zones of the typ i cal pol len suc ces sion. Re sults of other proxies (plant macrofossils, Cladocera, molluscs, NPPs, iso topes) sup ported the con clu sions de rived from the pol len di agram re gard ing the high hu mid ity and lake wa ter level dur ing the E4 (Corylus-Quercus-Tilia) phase and at the be gin ning of the E5 (Carpinus-Corylus-Alnus) phase, when the fos sil lake was most ex ten sive. Thus, the lack of a re cord of the E3 and E4 RPAZs was as so ci ated with wa ter level low er ing and a less hu mid cli mate. The re sults stand in agree ment with sev eral other Eemian re cords from cen tral Po land.
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Eemian Interglacial, MIS 5e, multi-proxy approach, Garwolin Plain, central Poland
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