Fast Synthesis of CHA-type Zeolite Using Dealuminated Amorphous Aluminosilicates with High Reactivity


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Use of dealuminated amorphous aluminosilicates (deAl-Amor) achieved faster synthesis of CHA-type zeolites compared with using conventional amorphous aluminosilicates (Amor). The deAl-Amor also expanded the synthesis window of reactant compositions. Moreover, there was a large difference in morphologies of solid products obtained during the crystalliza-tion process between deAl-Amor and Amor, suggesting the time gap in supplying aluminosilicate species contributing to the CHA crystal growth. These results indicate the high potential of deAl-Amor as starting materials for zeolite synthesis.
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Fast synthesis, Dealumination of amorphous aluminosilicates, CHA-type zeolite
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