Decentralized Robust Control of a Network of Inverter-Based Distributed Generation Systems


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This paper presents the design of decentralized robust controllers for a network of inverterbased distributed generation systems with LC filters in the scale of a nanogrid. Using overlapping decomposition, the network of inverters is clustered into several subnetworks such that all inverters within a subnetwork are strongly coupled and there is no or a weak coupling effect between any two inverters from different subnetworks. For the inverters within the same subnetwork, decentralized robust controllers are designed sequentially in the mu-synthesis framework. In addition, all controllers are designed to be robust against +/- 10% variations in the LC filter parameters. To assess the performance of the proposed sequentially-designed controllers and compare it to that of the benchmark independently-designed ones, the distances between two neighboring inverters from the same and different subnetworks are considered to be 200 (m) and 800 (m), respectively. In this case, time-response and robustness analysis results illustrate the superiority of the proposed sequentially-designed controllers in the overlapping decomposition framework over the benchmark independently-designed ones. Moreover, transient overload and nonlinear load analyses demonstrate that the proposed sequentially-designed decentralized controllers are able to keep the load voltage within +/- 10% of the nominal value and the harmonic voltage distortions to less than 4%.
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Key words
networked system,overlapping decomposition,distributed generation,<i>μ</i>-synthesis,robust controller,sequential design
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