Understanding the Impact of Community Family Physician Contracting (CFPC) on Community Medical Resources Consumption: A Case Study from Beijing in China


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Object. In order to achieve Healthy China 2030 and an effective and sequential diagnosis and treatment system, family doctor contracting is a crucial strategy for improving graded diagnosis and treatment and achieving universal health. Through the examination of data on community members' medical expenditures, this research investigates the influence of contracting on residents' primary care consultation behavior. Methods. Using a quantitative research approach based on information about residents' medical payment patterns, this study aims to examine the effect of family doctor contracting on residents' medical costs. Therefore, a two-part model and a Heckman two-stage model are used to explore the impact of contracting on residents' medical expenses in the community hospital based on the sample of contracted and noncontracted residents and the basic information and monthly checkout data of the residents provided by a community hospital in Beijing. Conclusion. Specifically, contracting increased residents' healthcare expenditures in community hospitals by increasing the number of departments and the frequency of visits, according to the results, which indicate that contracting significantly increased residents' healthcare costs in community hospitals. The frequency and number of departments in community hospitals for two target groups-the elderly and patients with chronic diseases-have increased significantly as a result of contracting, according to subgroup analysis. This finding suggests that family physicians make it possible for the daily care and treatment of these two priority groups to be met to a greater extent at the primary level. The empirical findings of this study reveal that the family doctor contracting system has a significant impact on how primary care and hierarchical treatment patterns are established.
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community family physician contracting,community medical resources consumption,beijing
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