CircBRD7 attenuates tumor growth and metastasis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma via epigenetic activation of its host gene


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BRD7 was identified as a tumor suppressor in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Circular RNAs (CircRNAs) are involved in the occurrence and development of NPC as oncogenes or tumor suppressors. However, the function and mechanism of the circular RNA forms derived from BRD7 in NPC are not well understood. In this study, we first identified that circBRD7 was a novel circRNA derived from BRD7 that inhibited cell proliferation, migration, invasion of NPC cells, as well as the xenograft tumor growth and metastasis in vivo. Mechanistically, circBRD7 promoted the transcriptional activation and expression of BRD7 by enhancing the enrichment of histone 3 lysine 27 acetylation (H3K27ac) in the promoter region of its host gene BRD7, and BRD7 promoted the formation of circBRD7. Therefore, circBRD7 formed a positive feedback loop with BRD7 to inhibit NPC development and progression. Moreover, restoration of BRD7 expression rescued the inhibitory effect of circBRD7 on the malignant progression of NPC. In addition, circBRD7 demonstrated low expression in NPC tissues, which was positively correlated with BRD7 expression and negatively correlated with the clinical stage of NPC patients. Taken together, circBRD7 attenuates the tumor growth and metastasis of NPC by forming a positive feedback loop with its host gene BRD7, and targeting the circBRD7/BRD7 axis is a promising strategy for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of NPC.
BRD7,circBRD7,host gene,nasopharyngeal carcinoma,tumor progression
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