X-ray scatter in projection radiography


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Projection radiography is the most common radiological modality, and radiation safety of it concerns both radiation workers and the public. We measured and generated a series of scattered radiation maps for projection radiography and estimated effective doses of the supporting person during exposure. Measured adult patient protocols included chest posterior-anterior, chest lateral, pelvis anterior-posterior (AP), abdomen AP and bedside chest AP. Maps concretise spatial distribution and the scattered radiation dose rates in different imaging protocols. Highest and lowest rates were measured in abdomen AP and bedside chest AP protocols, respectively. The effective dose of supporting person in abdomen AP examination at distance of 0.5 m was 300 nSv and in bedside supine chest AP examination at distance of 0.7 m was 0.5 nSv. The estimated annual effective dose of emergency unit radiographer was 0.11 mSv. The obtained effective dose values are small compared to annual dose limits of radiation workers and the public.
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