Hepatitis C: sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients treated with direct-acting antivirals in a pharmaceutical office

Karem Aline Pegoraro, Edson Luiz Folador,Dennis Armando Bertolini, Angela Maria Campagna

Acta Scientiarum. Health Sciences(2023)

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To report the sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients treated with direct-action antivirals (DAAs). Patients infected with hepatitis C virus in current treatment were followed up in a pharmaceutical office. Sociodemographic, clinical and medicines uses characteristics were obtained. A total of 62 patients were enrolled, with a higher proportion of men, aged between 40 and 69 years, low schooling, and workers. Were predominant the HCV virus genotype 1 (45.2%) and 3 (48.4%), and 19.4% were cirrhotic. Of the referred comorbidities, stood out those diseases related to the cardiovascular system (19.8%), psychiatric disorders (17.6%), endocrine and metabolic disorders (14.5%). Co-infections represented 5.2%, and were distributed between acute hepatitis A (1.0%), chronic viral hepatitis B (2.1%), and HIV (2.1%). Previous or current use of licit / illicit substances was reported by 33.9% of patients. A significant difference was identified in the youngest age group (25 to 39 years, p = 0.02), with a lower average viral load compared to the other age groups. The pharmacotherapeutic follow-up carried out in the period resulted in 157 pharmaceutical consultations. Patients with hepatitis C using DDAs were mostly men, aged between 40 and 69 years. Type 3 HCV genotype was most frequently identified. The presence of cirrhosis and other comorbidities serves as an alert for health professionals in the implementation of public health policies.
HCV, antivirals agents, direct-acting antivirals, pharmaceutical services, genotype.
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