Near field Exposure Assessment of Complex Anatomical Structures in 5G Bands

2023 XXXVth General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS)(2023)

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With the proliferation of 5G wireless networks, the population is increasingly exposed to frequencies approaching the millimeter-wave (mmW) range. Human ears are among the most exposed body parts. This paper proposes an analysis of the ear exposure in the near field using an anatomical model in presence of different electromagnetic (EM) sources (vertical dipole, horizontal dipole, 4X4 array of vertical dipoles, and 4X4 array of horizontal dipoles). This study demonstrates that, for a given input power and antenna-ear distance, the absorbed power density (Sab) induced by a dipole antenna array is up to 3.9 times higher than the one produced by a single dipole. Sab is only slightly sensitive to the dipole orientation (vertical or horizontal) resulting in relatively weak variations (up to 7%).
5G bands,5G wireless networks,absorbed power density,anatomical model,antenna-ear distance,complex anatomical structures,different electromagnetic sources,dipole antenna array,dipole orientation,ear exposure,exposed body parts,field exposure assessment,given input power,horizontal dipole,human ears,millimeter-wave range,mmW,single dipole,vertical dipole
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