Mxene-based nanocomposites for biosensing: Recent developments and future prospects

Himanshi Goel, Priyanshi Gupta, Kanak Jha,Monika Patel, Neeraj Shruti,Neeraj Dwivedi, Kumar Rakesh Ranjan,Chetna Dhand,Maumita Das Mukherjee


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The smart selection of sensor interface and transducer material is critical in the development of high-performance biosensing devices for point-of-care (POC) applications. MXene has received enormous attention in the field of biosensors over the last decade due to its remarkable optical features, large surface-to-volume ratio, good biocompatibility, ease of surface functionalization, excellent electrochemical properties, and good anti-fouling capabilities. This review provided an overview of the structure, surface functionalization, and properties of MXene, as well as an elaborated discussion on the characteristics of MXenes that make them viable candidates for biosensor development. It focuses on advancements in MXene materials and their composites that help boost their performance and stability, as well as enhancing their potential for utilization as an ideal material in the construction of efficient biosensor designs. Various categories of MXene-based biosensors have also been comprehensively and strategically described to demonstrate the versatility of MXene materials in the development of a wide range of biosensors. Overall, this review highlights the new opportunities in the field of advanced diagnostic systems using MXene-based bioassays.
2D Nanomaterials,Biosensor,MXene,MXene Synthesis and Properties,Point of Care Devices
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