Indoor dataset for Person Re-Identification: Exploring the impact of backpacks

J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent.(2023)

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Person Re-Identification (PR-Id) encounters misclassification issues when re-identifying persons with different backpacks. These bags manifest as large and distinct regions in the images surpassing other finer details of a person. As a result, a CNN model swiftly detects and prioritizes these image regions for re-identification. However, the bags are subject to alterations or may be similar among multiple persons, resulting in misclassification. To ensure that a CNN model does not consider bags as unique features of specific persons and prioritize them for re-identification, images of persons with diverse backpacks are crucial in the training dataset. Moreover, these images enhance the model’s focus on other unique regions of a person. Although the current datasets show potential, incorporating such images could enhance their effectiveness. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an indoor PR-Id dataset named “With Bag/Without Bag-ReID” (WB/WoB-ReID). The set “with_bag” in WB/WoB-ReID dataset includes identities with different backpacks for the first time. We also incorporate identities without bags and with varying numbers of image counts in three other sets, namely “without_bag”, “both_small,” and “both_large”. We assess WB/WoB-ReID and three other PR-Id datasets: Market1501, CUHK03, and DukeMTMC-reID on various existing approaches. The highest mAP achieved on the“with_bag” is 74%, “without_bag” is 96.7% and other datasets are 97.78%, 95.20% and 92.4%. The results show that incorporating identities with diverse bags reduces the mAP, highlighting the misclassifications that arise specifically in the presence of bags.
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Key words
Person Re-Identification,WB,WoB,Dataset,PRid dataset,Bag,Knapsack
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