Measurement of Near-Field Electromagnetic Distribution Radiated from Slotted Circuit-Shape Waveguides to Melt Snow with Microwave

2023 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC)(2023)

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This paper investigates the near-field electromagnetic distribution radiated from slotted circuit-shape waveguide. The waveguide is designed to facilitate rapid snow melting over a wide area using a single wave source for microwave heating. In this study, a prototype of the waveguide was constructed to facilitate near-field electromagnetic distribution measurements. The feeding point is strategically positioned to prevent wave cancellation. The results demonstrate that the measured electromagnetic field distribution closely aligns with the findings obtained through the FDTD method. Consequently, the study successfully verifies the emission of electromagnetic waves from all slots of the circuit-shaped waveguide using a single wave source.
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Microwave,Microwave heating,melting snow,Near field measurement,FDTD method
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