Pseudogap behavior in charge density wave kagome material ScV 6 Sn 6 revealed by magnetotransport measurements

npj Quantum Materials(2023)

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Over the last few years, significant attention has been devoted to studying the kagome materials A V 3 Sb 5 ( A = K, Rb, Cs) due to their unconventional superconductivity and charge density wave (CDW) ordering. Recently ScV_6Sn_6 was found to host a CDW below ≈ 90 K, and, like A V 3 Sb 5 , it contains a kagome lattice comprised only of V ions. Here we present a comprehensive magnetotransport study on ScV_6Sn_6 . We discovered several anomalous transport phenomena above the CDW ordering temperature, including insulating behavior in interlayer resistivity, a strongly temperature-dependent Hall coefficient, and a violation of Kohler’s rule. All these anomalies can be consistently explained by a progressive decrease in carrier densities with decreasing temperature, suggesting the formation of a pseudogap. Our findings suggest that high-temperature CDW fluctuations play a significant role in determining the normal state electronic properties of ScV_6Sn_6 .
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