National training and development Curriculum: Does having access to online "Right-Time" training positively impact Foster/Adoptive Parenting?

John Fowler,Angelique Day, Hung-Peng Lin, Carey Tompkins,Lori Vanderwill,Sue Cohick

Children and Youth Services Review(2023)

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Trauma-informed parenting is increasingly essential for children in foster care. This study evaluated survey responses from participants before and after an in-service, trauma-informed training that is accessible online in the United States. A total of 361 participants - in-service foster and adoptive parents from areas throughout the United States - completed three surveys across 1,282 training sessions that each covered one of 15 thematic areas. This within-group, cross-sectional study design assessed the caregiver competency, knowledge gain, and satisfaction (i.e., perceived usability, usefulness, amount) of participants. Results indicated that after the training, participants felt more competent in their caregiving abilities, experienced moderate gains in parenting knowledge, and were satisfied with the quality of the training. One implication of these findings is that an asynchronous, online setting can be a feasible and acceptable modality for expanding access and availability of in-service foster and adoptive parent training programs.
Foster care,In-service training,Foster parent training,Trauma -informed care,Program evaluation
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