Spatially resolved proteomics of the stomatal lineage: polarity complexes for cell divisions and stomatal pores

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2023)

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Cell polarity is used to guide asymmetric divisions and create morphologically diverse cells. We find that two oppositely oriented cortical polarity domains present during the asymmetric divisions in the Arabidopsis stomatal lineage are reconfigured into polar domains marking ventral (pore-forming) and outward facing domains of maturing stomatal guard cells. Proteins that define these opposing polarity domains were used as baits in miniTurboID-based proximity labeling. Among differentially enriched proteins we find kinases, putative microtubule-interacting proteins, polar SOSEKIs with their effector ANGUSTIFOLIA, and using AI-facilitated protein structure prediction models, we identify their potential interaction interfaces. Functional and localization analysis of polarity protein OPL2 and its newly discovered partners suggest a positive interaction with mitotic microtubules and a potential role in cytokinesis. This combination of cutting-edge proteomics and structural modeling with live cell imaging provides insights into how polarity is rewired in different cell types and cell cycle stages. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
stomatal lineage,proteomics,polarity complexes,cell divisions
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