Audiovisual Inputs for Learning Robust, Real-time Facial Animation with Lip Sync.

Iñaki Navarro, Dario Kneubuehler, Tijmen Verhulsdonck, Eloi du Bois,William Welch, Charles Shang, Ian Sachs, Morgan McGuire,Victor B. Zordan,Kiran Bhat

MIG '23: Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and Games(2023)

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We present an approach for generating facial animation that combines video and audio input data in real time for low-end devices through deep learning. Our method produces control signals from audiovisual inputs separately, and mixes them to animate a character rig. The architecture relies on two specialized networks that are trained on a combination of synthetic and real world data and are highly engineered to be efficient in order to support quality avatar faces even on low-end devices. In addition, the system supports several levels of detail that degrade gracefully for additional scaling and efficiency. We showcase how user testing has been employed to improve performance and a comparison with state of the art.
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