IFCM: An improved Fuzzy C-means clustering method to handle Class Overlap on Aging-related Software Bug Prediction

2023 IEEE 34th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE)(2023)

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Software aging refers to a problem of performance decay in long-running software systems. This phenomenon is primarily attributed to the accumulation of run-time errors, commonly known as aging-related bugs (ARBs). Detecting ARBs through Aging-related Bug Prediction (ARBP) is crucial in ensuring system reliability. The effectiveness of ARBP heavily relies on the quality of datasets. However, ARB datasets often suffer from class overlap, where instances from different classes exhibit similar feature values. Class overlap poses a significant challenge as it compromises the quality of training data and subsequently impacts ARBP accuracy. To address this issue, we propose an improved Fuzzy C-means clustering method named IFCM, designed to mitigate class overlap in ARBP tasks. IFCM can identify whether an instance occurs overlap, and identify the overlap degree of this instance through the predefined parameters. We evaluate our proposed method on two public datasets Linux and MySQL and one self-collected dataset NetBSD using five different classifiers with five performance metrics (AUC, F1, Balance, PD, PF). Comparison with four existing methods (No clean, NCL, IKMCCA, ROCT) demonstrates that IFCM is effective in alleviating class overlap in ARBP. For Instance, IFCM achieves promising results in terms of AUC blue (which are 0.762, 0.757, and 0.642) and Balance (which are 0.709, 0.736, and 0.595) at the dataset level.
Aging-related Bug Prediction,Class Overlap,Fuzzy C-means Cluster,Software Quality,Software Reliability
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