Fine-grained Pseudo Labels for Scene Text Recognition

Xiaoyu Li, Xiaoxue Chen, Zuming Huang, Lele Xie, Jingdong Chen,Ming Yang

MM '23: Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia(2023)

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Pseudo-Labeling based semi-supervised learning has shown promising advantages in Scene Text Recognition (STR). Most of them usually use a pre-trained model to generate sequence-level pseudo labels for text images and then re-train the model. Recently, conducting Pseudo-Labeling in a teacher-student framework (a student model is supervised by the pseudo labels from a teacher model) has become increasingly popular, which trains in an end-to-end manner and yields outstanding performance in semi-supervised learning. However, applying this framework directly to Pseudo-Labeling STR exhibits unstable convergence, as generating pseudo labels at the coarse-grained sequence-level leads to inefficient utilization of unlabelled data. Furthermore, the inherent domain shift between labeled and unlabeled data results in low quality of derived pseudo labels. To mitigate the above issues, we propose a novel Cross-domain Pseudo-Labeling (CPL) approach for scene text recognition, which makes better utilization of unlabeled data at the character-level and provides more accurate pseudo labels. Specifically, our proposed Pseudo-Labeled Curriculum Learning dynamically adjusts the thresholds for different character classes according to the model's learning status. Moreover, an Adaptive Distribution Regularizer is employed to bridge the domain gap and improve the quality of pseudo labels. Extensive experiments show that CPL boosts those representative STR models to achieve state-of-the-art results on six challenging STR benchmarks. Besides, it can be effectively generalized to handwritten text.
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