A review on oligomeric polydispersity and oligomers-dependent holding chaperone activity of the small heat-shock protein IbpB of Escherichia coli

Cell stress & chaperones(2023)

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Inclusion body–associated proteins IbpA and IbpB of MW 16 KDa are the two small heat-shock proteins (sHSPs) of Escherichia coli , and they have only holding, but not folding, chaperone activity. In vitro holdase activity of IbpB is more than that of IbpA, and in combination, they synergise. Both IbpA and IbpB monomers first form homodimers, which as building blocks subsequently oligomerize to make heavy oligomers with MW of MDa range; for IbpB, the MW range of heavy oligomers is 2.0–3.0 MDa, whereas for IbpA oligomers, the values in MDa are not so specified/reported. By temperature upshift, such large oligomers of IbpB, but not of IbpA, dissociate to make relatively small oligomeric assemblies of MW around 600–700KDa. The larger oligomers of IbpB are assumed to be inactive storage form, which on facing heat or oxidative stress dissociate into smaller oligomers of ATP-independent holding chaperone activity. These smaller oligomers bind with stress-induced partially denatured/unfolded and thereby going to be aggregated proteins, to give them protection against permanent damage and aggregation. On withdrawal of stress, IbpB transfers the bound substrate protein to the ATP-dependent bi-chaperone system DnaKJE-ClpB, having both holdase and foldase properties, to finally refold the protein. Of the two sHSPs IbpA and IbpB of E. coli , this review covers the recent advances in research on IbpB only.
E. coli,sHSP IbpB,Oligomers of IbpB,Holdase and foldase activities,DnaKJE-ClpB bi-chaperone system
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