Health Care Stereotype Threat and Sexual and Gender Minority Well-Being


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Sexual and gender minorities (SGMs) have experienced progressive change over the last 50 years. However, this group still reports worse health and health care experiences. An innovative survey instrument that applies stereotype threat to the health care setting, health care stereotype threat (HCST), offers a new avenue to examine these disparities. We harmonized two national probability data sets of SGMs-Generations and TransPop-capturing 503 gay men, 297 lesbians, 467 bisexuals, and 221 trans people. Using these data, we, first, explored how HCST's association with self-rated health and psychological distress changed while considering more established constructs: discrimination and stigma. Second, we examined how HCST's association varied across SGM groups. Results suggest that HCST is a unique predictor net of the associations with discrimination and stigma. Furthermore, results highlight the more consequential associations for trans people on well-being compared to gay men. We discuss implications of these findings for future research and potential interventions.
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Generations data,health care stereotype threat,sexual and gender minorities,TransPop data,well-being
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