Twitter Users Discussions About Migrants Rights and Facilities During FIFA World Cup 2022

2023 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Internet of Things (AIBThings)(2023)

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This study aims to provide Twitter users' views toward migrant workers' rights during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. It also highlights how Qatar has responded by reforming its labor laws to improve the lives of migrant workers. This study used XLM-T (Cross-multilingual Language Modeling-Transformer) to perform a comparative sentiment analysis of the verified and unverified users. Then, it applied BERTopic topic modeling technique to find the top concerns of Twitter users through unigram and bigram analysis. Moreover, it identifies the top tweets with the highest number of public attractions (likes, retweets, replies). The verified users are the mainstream media, public figures, celebrities, government entities, and human rights activists who played an important role in disseminating the issue to the world and attracted public attention quickly. Thus, Twitter users raised their voices to save the workers from abuses, overworking, and early death caused by accidents during construction. They emphasized compensating the workers who lost their lives or became injured during the building of the infrastructure of stadiums, roads, and hotels. However, Qatar condemned politicizing sports as a weapon, while Qatar has reformed the law to save human rights. Qatar also disagreed with the widespread misleading information circulated in the media regarding workers' deaths and demanded that the cause of workers' death be natural and limited.
Migrants,human rights,FIFA,Qatar,sentiment,misinformation
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