Neuroprotective activity of chlorogenic acid from Brazilian Arnica in rodents subjected to status epilepticus induced by lithium-pilocarpine

Alberth Jonathan Carreño-González,José Luiz Liberato, Marcus Vinícius Batista Celani,Norberto P. Lopes,João Luís Callegari Lopes, Leonardo Gobbo Neto,Andréia Cristina Karklin Fontana,Wagner Ferreira dos Santos

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract In this study, we evaluated the neuroprotective properties and antioxidant effects of chlorogenic acid (CGA) in Wistar rats subjected to Status Epilepticus ( SE ) model using lithium-pilocarpine. After 72 h induction of SE, brains were collected and studied histologically for viable cells in the hippocampus with staining for cresyl-violet (Nissl staining), and for degenerating cells with Fluoro-Jade C (FJC) staining. Additionally, to evaluate oxidative stress, the presence of malondialdehyde (MDA), the final product of lipid peroxidation, and superoxide dismutase (SOD), the enzyme responsible for the conversion of superoxide anion radicals, were quantified using the Indole and the Pyrogallol methods, respectively. Animals administered with CGA (30 mg/kg) demonstrated a significant decrease of 59% in the number of hippocampal cell loss in the CA3, and of 48% in the hilus layers after SE . A significant reduction of 75% in the cell loss in the CA3, shown by FJC+ staining, was also observed with the administration of CGA (30 mg/Kg). Furthermore, significant decreases of 49% in MDA production and 72% in the activity of SOD were seen, when compared to animals subjected to SE that received vehicle. This study suggests that CGA administration results in an effective inhibition of the proliferation of oxidizing agents that can initiate cellular death, in the lithium-pilocarpine Status Epilepticus ( SE ) rat epilepsy model.
chlorogenic acid,neuroprotective activity,status epilepticus,lithium-pilocarpine
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