Ultrasonic Sensors in Companion Robots: Navigational Challenges and Opportunities

Isaac Asante,Lau Bee Theng,Mark Tee Kit Tsun, Zhan Hung Chin

Communications in computer and information science(2023)

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This paper investigates the integral role of ultrasonic sensors in developing multi-sensor companion robots. It focuses on environment mapping, landmark-based localization, and path reconstruction. Despite the significant advancements in the field, the research identifies notable gaps that hinder the full potential of ultrasonic sensors. Addressing these gaps could revolutionize companion robots’ functionality, reliability, and efficiency, particularly in real-world applications such as healthcare, elderly care, and home assistance. The research emphasizes the importance of sensor fusion techniques and the potential improvements in environment mapping and landmark-based localization, which could significantly enhance the navigation capabilities of companion robots. Furthermore, advancements in path reconstruction could transform how companion robots retrace their steps, increasing their operational efficiency. The findings of this research contribute significantly to the field of robotics and pave the way for future studies, highlighting the transformative potential of advanced environment mapping techniques, sensor fusion, and path reconstruction in propelling advancements in robotic navigation.
ultrasonic sensors,companion robots
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