Methodological tools for assessing the budget financing efficiency of investments in the renewal of agricultural machinery and equipment

Dmitriy Kondrat'ev, Гамлет Остаев,Guzaliya Klychova,Ayrat Valiev, Amina Husainova

Vestnik of Kazan State Agrarian University(2023)

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The results and efficiency of agricultural production largely depend on the availability of enterprises with working and modern agricultural machinery and equipment, the renewal of which is associated with large amounts of capital investments, therefore, most manufacturers, as a rule, need co-financing of these costs from the state. State support for the renewal of agricultural machinery at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, expressed in the provision of subsidies for its manufacture, overhaul or purchase, on the one hand acts as a gratuitous source of financing for investments in machinery and serves as a tool to stimulate its timely renewal by enterprises. On the other hand, budget expenditures must be efficient and selective in order to achieve the key long-term goals of the state, which are to increase the volume of agricultural production, increase the efficiency and financial viability of producers, increase incomes, and attractive working conditions and life of the rural population. In accordance with the key goals of the state, we propose to evaluate the effectiveness of budget financing for the renewal of agricultural machinery in the context of three groups of indicators (criteria): economic, social and those that ensure efficiency. On the basis of well-known special methods (accounting method, financial-mathematical method, methods of integrated assessment) for evaluating the effectiveness, the authors of the article developed and substantiated methodological tools for assessing the static and dynamic efficiency of budget expenditures for the renewal of agricultural machinery. One of the main problems in the practical implementation of the methodology is the lack of accounting and analytical information due to the lack of all indicators required by the methodology in the system of reporting data of agricultural producers. The research materials presented in the work can be used by public authorities, investors and agricultural producers to assess the effectiveness of the use of financial resources invested in real assets of the agricultural sector.
budget financing efficiency,agricultural machinery,investments
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