Identification of Shale Lithofacies from FMI Images and ECS Logs Using Machine Learning with GLCM Features

Min Tian,Maojin Tan, Min Wang


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The identification of sedimentary structures in lithofacies is of great significance to the exploration and development of Paleogene shale in the Boxing Sag. However, due to the scale mismatch between the thickness of laminae and the vertical resolution of conventional wireline logs, the conventional lithofacies division method fails to realize the accurate classification of sedimentary structures and cannot meet the needs of reservoir research. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a lithofacies identification method with higher precision from advanced logs. In this paper, a method integrating the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) and random forest (RF) algorithms is proposed to classify shale lithofacies with different sedimentary structures based on formation micro-imager (FMI) imaging logging and elemental capture spectroscopy (ECS) logging. According to the characteristics of shale laminae on FMI images, GLCM, an image texture extraction tool, is utilized to obtain texture features reflecting sedimentary structures from FMI images. It is proven that GLCM can depict shale sedimentary structures efficiently and accurately, and four texture features (contrast, entropy, energy, and homogeneity) are sensitive to shale sedimentary structures. To accommodate the correlation between the four texture features, the random forest algorithm, which has been proven not to be affected by correlated input features, is selected for supervised lithofacies classification. To enhance the model's ability to differentiate between argillaceous limestone and calcareous mudstone, the carbonate content and clay content calculated from the ECS logs are involved in the input features. Moreover, grid search cross-validation (CV) is implemented to optimize the hyperparameters of the model. The optimized model achieves favorable performance on training data, validation data, and test data, with average accuracies of 0.84, 0.79, and 0.76, respectively. This study also discusses the application of the classification model in lithofacies and production prediction.
shale lithofacies, sedimentary structure, FMI image, GLCM, texture features, random forest
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