Interpersonal Behavior, Basic Psychological Needs, Motivation, Eating Behavior, and Body Image in Gym/Fitness Exercisers: A Systematic Review


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Background: Body image seems to be a determining factor in the behavior and satisfaction of the basic psychological needs of exercise practitioners in gyms and fitness centers, and may influence motivation, interpersonal behavior, and eating behavior. This review aims to examine possible patterns between the variables under study in a gym/fitness context, specifically considering if body image perception has a determinant factor. Methods: Web of Science, PubMed, SCOPUS, and Psycnet were consulted and only data published between 2007 and 2021 were considered in the present review. After an initial search of 1373 records, a total of 6 were considered eligible for a detailed analysis after checking for the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: There is a positive relationship between body image dissatisfaction and less self-determined forms of motivation, as well as the adoption of less healthy eating behaviors. Younger participants have higher levels of body image dissatisfaction and unhealthy eating behaviors. Conclusions: Body image dissatisfaction leads to less self-determined forms of motivation for exercise in the context of gyms and fitness centers. On the other hand, a negative perception of body image can also lead to sustained patterns of less regulated forms of exercise and less healthy eating behaviors.
self-determination theory,well-being,fitness sustainability,adherence,eating disorder,body dissatisfaction
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