Analyzing the Movement of Motorcyclist’s Extremities based on its Angular Resolved RCS Measurement

2023 20th European Radar Conference (EuRAD)(2023)

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Understanding the backscattering behavior of traffic objects is essential to approach realistic simulation results from evaluating the functionality of the automotive radar in over-the-air (OTA) validation test methods. This demands collecting the radar cross section (RCS) of vulnerable road users (VRUs) simultaneously with micro-Doppler information arising from their movement, especially those with high-risk interactive behavior. One of the challenging radar targets in traffic scenarios is motorcyclists for tracking and trajectory prediction. For this reason, the utilized measurement setup is explained for collecting the scattering points of the rider, consisting of the RCS values and range-Doppler signatures from its motion. Furthermore, the influence of the motorbike suit and ride pillion are investigated on the motorcyclist’s radar signatures and backscattering behavior.
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Key words
Human body radar cross section (RCS) measurement,human motion,motion capture (MoCap) data,radar high-resolution measurement,range-Doppler,RCS-modeling of extended targets,scattering points
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