The P. falciparum alternative histones Pf H2A.Z and Pf H2B.Z are dynamically acetylated and antagonized by PfSir2 histone deacetylases at heterochromatin boundaries


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The Plasmodium falciparum alternative histones Pf H2A.Z and Pf H2B.Z are enriched in the same nucleosomes in intergenic euchromatin but depleted from heterochromatin. They occupy most promoters but are only dynamically associated with expression at var genes. In other organisms, acetylation of H2A.Z is important for its functions in gene expression and chromatin structure. Here, we show that acetylated Pf H2A.Z and Pf H2B.Z are dynamically associated with gene expression at promoters. In addition, acetylated Pf H2A.Z and Pf H2B.Z are antagonized by the sirtuin class III histone deacetylases (HDAC) PfSir2A and B at heterochromatin boundaries and encroach upon heterochromatin in parasites lacking PfSir2A or B. However, the majority of acetylated Pf H2A.Z and Pf H2B.Z are deacetylated by class I or II HDACs. Acetylated Pf H2A.Z and Pf H2B.Z are also dynamically associated with promoter activity of both canonical upstream var gene promoters and var gene introns. These findings suggest that both acetylated Pf H2A.Z and Pf H2B.Z play critical roles in gene expression and contribute to maintenance of chromatin structure at the boundaries of subtelomeric, facultative heterochromatin, critical for the variegated expression of genes that enable rapid adaptation to altered host environments.
malaria,variant histones,chromatin,epigenetics,regulation of gene expression
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