nf-core/taxprofiler: highly parallelised and flexible pipeline for metagenomic taxonomic classification and profiling

Sofia Stamouli,Moritz E. Beber, Tanja Normark, Thomas A. Christensen, Lili Andersson-Li,Maxime Borry,Mahwash Jamy, Nf-core Community,James A. Fellows Yates

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2023)

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Metagenomic classification tackles the problem of characterising the taxonomic source of all DNA sequencing reads in a sample. A common approach to address the differences and biases between the many different taxonomic classification tools is to run metagenomic data through multiple classification tools and databases. This, however, is a very time-consuming task when performed manually - particularly when combined with the appropriate preprocessing of sequencing reads before the classification. Here we present nf-core/taxprofiler, a highly parallelised read-processing and taxonomic classification pipeline. It is designed for the automated and simultaneous classification and/or profiling of both short- and long-read metagenomic sequencing libraries against a 11 taxonomic classifiers and profilers as well as databases within a single pipeline run. Implemented in Nextflow and as part of the nf-core initiative, the pipeline benefits from high levels of scalability and portability, accommodating from small to extremely large projects on a wide range of computing infrastructure. It has been developed following best-practise software development practises and community support to ensure longevity and adaptability of the pipeline, to help keep it up to date with the field of metagenomics. ### Competing Interest Statement M.E.B. is a cofounder of Unseen Bio ApS, a company that offers gut microbiome profiling to consumers, however had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The remaining authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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metagenomic taxonomic classification,nf-core/taxprofiler
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