Chitosan scaffolds: Expanding horizons in biomedical applications


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Chitosan, a natural polysaccharide from chitin, shows promise as a biomaterial for various biomedical applications due to its biocompatibility, biodegradability, antibacterial activity, and ease of modification. This review overviews "chitosan scaffolds" use in diverse biomedical applications. It emphasizes chitosan's structural and biological properties and explores fabrication methods like gelation, electrospinning, and 3D printing, which influence scaffold architecture and mechanical properties. The review focuses on chitosan scaffolds in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, highlighting their role in bone, cartilage, skin, nerve, and vascular tissue regeneration, supporting cell adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation. Investigations into incorporating bioactive compounds, growth factors, and nanoparticles for improved therapeutic effects are discussed. The review also examines chitosan scaffolds in drug delivery systems, leveraging their prolonged release capabilities and ability to encapsulate medicines for targeted and controlled drug delivery. Moreover, it explores chitosan's antibacterial activity and potential for wound healing and infection management in biomedical contexts. Lastly, the review discusses challenges and future objectives, emphasizing the need for improved scaffold design, mechanical qualities, and understanding of interactions with host tissues. In summary, chitosan scaffolds hold significant potential in various biological applications, and this review underscores their promising role in advancing biomedical science.
Tissue engineering,Regenerative medicine,Biocompatibility,Controlled drug delivery,Bone regeneration
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