Impact of multi-characteristics on heavy metals sensor-based surface plasmonic resonance

Journal of Optics(2023)

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A fiber-based surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor is investigated in this study. Initially, a D-shaped optical fiber is studied under different types and brands of light sources, optical spectrometers, and polarizing angles. The best stability with low noise is a supercontinuum light source with Avantes spectrometer. Using the polarizer controller to tune the width and dip shows the minimum absorption point when waveplates are set at 90°, 0°, and 45°. The temperature effects are recognized as shifts in absorption ranging from 30 to 60 °C for fiber-based SPR (with and without a polarizer controller). In the photoelastic effect, the sensor shows significant variation according to the applied load, with a maximum sensitivity of 1.05 nm/g at 5 g weight. Stability, response time, and selectivity are also discussed. Results are used to analyze the plasmonic sensor efficiency for Hg ions detection. It appears that there is a lack of information regarding the light types and polarization angles within a D-shaped fiber for Hg ions SPR sensor. As of now, there seems to be no published literature that has thoroughly explored this topic under different conditions.
Sensor,Optical fiber,Polarizer,Heavy metals,Plasmonic
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