Potential Neuroprotective Strategies using Smart Drug Delivery Systems for Alzheimer's Disease.

Infectious disorders drug targets(2024)

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BACKGROUND:Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurological disorder, affecting more than 50 million individuals worldwide and causing gradual but progressive cognitive decline. The rising cost of medical treatment is mostly attributable to AD. There are now mainly a few slightly symptomatic therapeutic options accessible. Although this is not the primary reason, the failure to develop effective treatments for AD is often attributed to the disease's complicated pathophysiology and the wide range of underlying ideas. OBJECTIVE:Studies undertaken over the past decade have aimed to find novel methods of overcoming these barriers and effectively delivering drugs to the central nervous system. As a result, nanotechnology provides a promising alternative to the standard means of administering anti-amyloidosis drugs, enhancing expectations for a successful treatment of Alzheimer's disease. These therapeutic implications of using nanoparticle-based approaches for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease are discussed in this paper. METHODOLOGY:Published articles from PubMed, SciFinder, Google Scholar, ClinicalTrials.org, and the Alzheimer Association reports were carefully examined to compile information on the various strategies for combating AD. That has been studied to summarize the recent advancements and clinical studies for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Statistics is the study and manipulation of data, including ways to gather, review, analyze, and draw conclusions from data. CONCLUSION:The biology of the BBB and its processes of penetration must be carefully taken into account while creating DDSs. If we have a better grasp of the disease's mechanism, we might be able to overcome the shortcomings of current treatments for AD. Different DDSs show interesting properties for delivering medication tailored to the brain. This review paper examines the recent applications of DDSs in diverse domains. By selecting the best targeting vectors and optimizing the combination of carriers, multifunctionalized DDS may be produced, and these DDS have a significant impact on AD therapy potential. To develop DDSs with the best therapeutic efficacy and manageable side effects, experts from a variety of fields may need to contribute their efforts. Currently, the therapeutic use of nanotechnology-based DDSs appears to be a promising prospect for AD therapy, and as the pathophysiology of AD is better understood, this strategy will develop over time.
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