A statistical significance testing approach for measuring term burstiness with applications to domain-specific terminology extraction

Samuel Sarria Hurtado, Todd Mullen,Taku Onodera,Paul Sheridan


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A term in a corpus is said to be “bursty” (or overdispersed) when its occurrences are concentrated in few out of many documents. In this paper, we propose Residual Inverse Collection Frequency (RICF), a statistical significance test inspired heuristic for quantifying term burstiness. The chi-squared test is, to our knowledge, the sole test of statistical significance among existing term burstiness measures. Chi-squared test term burstiness scores are computed from the collection frequency statistic (i.e., the proportion that a specified term constitutes in relation to all terms within a corpus). However, the document frequency of a term (i.e., the proportion of documents within a corpus in which a specific term occurs) is exploited by certain other widely used term burstiness measures. RICF addresses this shortcoming of the chi-squared test by virtue of its term burstiness scores systematically incorporating both the collection frequency and document frequency statistics. We evaluate the RICF measure on a domain-specific technical terminology extraction task using the GENIA Term corpus benchmark, which comprises 2,000 annotated biomedical article abstracts. RICF generally outperformed the chi-squared test in terms of precision at k score with percent improvements of 0.00 (P@1000), and 1.90 with the performances of other well-established measures of term burstiness. Based on these findings, we consider our contributions in this paper as a promising starting point for future exploration in leveraging statistical significance testing in text analysis.
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