Lead formate synthesized from the lead compounds in spent lead-acid batteries and its use in high performance ones


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Lead formate (LF) has been successfully prepared from compounds in spent lead-acid batteries by a simple and low-cost method. The irregular sheets of LF pile up to form agglomerated particles. When it is used as an additive in the negative electrode, it makes the electrode perform better and be able to discharge a capacity of 107 mAh g-1 at 100 mA g-1 to 1.75 V; it still discharges 86.5 mAh g-1 after 1200 cycles. EIS shows that the electrode has lower resistance and higher ion diffusion rates than the one without LF. The reason could be that LF produces formic acid when it meets sulfuric acid, and the formic acid could clear up the oxide on lead alloy grid as well as basic lead sulfate in the electrode, thus making the conduction network grow better.
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lead compounds,lead formate,batteries,lead-acid
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