Historicism in/as CSCW Method: Research, Sensibilities, and Design

CSCW '23 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2023 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing(2023)

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This workshop furthers the growing adoption of historicism in HCI and CSCW. Inspired by mounting attention to history in the field, we aim to convene a broad range of scholars to advance the discussion around what a specifically historicist sensibility might look like for this research community, and how such a sensibility may be reflected in issues around research methods, evaluation, and training. In so doing, we will continue to trouble boundaries, disciplinary and otherwise, that demarcate what is considered to be history and whose histories are considered, as part of the broader turn to historicism that is underway. This one-day workshop will be in person and participant driven, with a stronger methodological focus than those that have come before. In addition to working groups focused on topics that emerge through workshop papers and initial discussions, we will develop practical next steps for creating a stronger enabling environment for historical approaches in HCI and CSCW research.
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